👋 Welcome to Kosumi Go School’s 1st Go Cup! This is a guide to everything you’ll need to do to compete and have fun over the 2 days. If you have any questions, please use the #❓-ask-a-question
channel on Discord.
Kosumi Go School is a student-run organization made by a group of passionate Go players from the SF Bay Area working to expand the reach of Go through easily accessible online go education.
Website: https://kosumigo.github.io/
Instagram: @kosumigoschool
Who: Open to everyone, free of charge
What: 2-Day round-robin Go tournament hosted on Online Go Server (OGS). Each player is guaranteed 3 games, and up to 6-7 games for all participants!
When: October 8-9, 2022
Where: Online, OGS
$300 of prize money!